Chandani Bhandari

Chandani is a PhD candidate with an interdisciplinary knowledge on environmental sciences, crisis management, climate change and disaster risk reduction in the Himalayan context. Her research is on comparative study between two mountainous countries Switzerland and Nepal, analyzing various policies and strategies related to disaster risk communication and effectiveness of early warning systems.
Chandani received Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences and a Master’s degree in Crisis Management Studies from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. She has done her Diploma in Geological and Climate Related Risk (CERG_C) from the University of Geneva. Concurrently, she was involved in various research and development projects relating to her research interests on disaster risk perception, preparedness for response, risk communications, mitigating climate change impacts, disaster risk policies and risk informed decision-making.
At present, Chandani is working on her PhD at the University of Geneva’s Institute for Environmental Sciences (ISE), funded by Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship.
Selected Publications
Bhandari, C., Dahal, R.K. & Timilsina, M. Disaster risk understanding of local people after the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake in Pokhara City, Nepal. Geoenvironmental Disasters 8, 2 (2021).
Bhandari C., Dahal R K., Timilsina M., Kafle K R. and Tuladhar G., 2021, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management for Resilient Mountain Communities in Nepal (chapter) in book “Sustainable Natural Resource Management in the Himalayan Region; Livelihood and Climate Change”, Ed. Bajracharya R M., Sitaula B K., Gurung S. and Raut N., Nova Science Publishers, New York, 107-122p.