The HuT will employ innovative disaster risk reduction solutions integrating and leveraging best practices and successful multi-disciplinary experiences within various territorial contexts.

for the Uttarakhand subbasin in India

Ongoing projects

Adaptation At Altitude
Increasing the resilience and adaptation of mountain communities in the face of climate change

Effects of large voLcanic eruptions on climate and societies: Understand impacts of past events and related subsidence crises to evaluate potential future risks

Climate Risk and Vulnerability in India
Integrated climate risk and vulnerability assessment in India

IWRM Plan in Uttarakhand, India
Development of a Glacio-Hydrological Model and Integrated Water Resources Management Plan for the Uttarakhand subbasin in India

Constructing a Multi-CeNtEnnial Mass balance recOrd of Swiss glaciers with multi-proxY tree-riNg sEries

The Roman Egypt Laboratory
Climate Change, Societal Transformations, and the Transition to Late Antiquity

Reconstruction of Holocene hydro-climatic fluctuations based on multi-proxy peatland records
Archived projects

Debris flow and outburst flood hazard in Tian Shan under impact of changing climate

Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction in mountains
Integration of protection forests in risk-based assessments of rockfall hazards

Extreme Floods in Kashmir
Enhancing resilience against future extreme floods in Kashmir

Future Natural Distasters in Switzerland
Prediction of future natural disasters using past climate analogues

GLOF Chilean Patagonia
A dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of glacial lake outburst flood processes in the Exploradores Valley, Chilean Patagonia

Land degradation in Georgia
Land degradation neutrality in Georgia

Landslides in Tropical Mountains
Linking ecosystem and geomorphic processes to understand large-scale dynamics of tropical mountains mediated by landslides

Landslide Risk Reduction in Mountain Regions
Citizen science for landslide risk reduction and disaster resilience building in mountain regions

Documenting the snow avalanche cycle of February 1720 in Valais (Switzerland) using historical archives

Water Governance in Bolivia
Assessment of a climate-resilient water governance framework in the pluri-national State of Bolivia