Sandra Belin-Gorsìc

Sandra’s research focuses on the impact of climate change on natural hazards occuring in mountainous areas. To analyze and quantify risks, she uses a multidimensional approach, combining dendrogeomorphology, photogrammetry and more. Her current projects involve glacial lake outburst and floods in Chillean Patagonia, as well as rockfall hazard assessment in the valley of Zermatt.
Sandra received a Bachelor In Geography in 2008 and a Master in Environmental Sciences in 2020. In between, she pursued an international career in finance where she could put into practice her communication skills; this experience was strengthened by a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Digital Communications and Web Expertise in 2018.
Sandra is a PhD candidate in the University of Geneva’s Institute for Environmental Sciences (ISE). Her research focuses on the evolution of risks related to rockfall activity in the Alps and the life cycle of protection measures.